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My doctor lied about everything


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Wow, I had filed a complaint to the order of doctors as it's supposedly a neutral institution protecting patients rights. Through my patient dossier I just was able to read my old GP's answer to my complaint. She lied about EVERYTHING. The symptoms I was having, the reason she prescribed certain things, and even how many times I contacted her. It was 6 times. She pretends it's 16. She says I came to her practice on days I really didn't. I knew she would kinda lie to cover herself and all of that but to lie this much is insane. So unethical.
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nothing new, psychiatrist (some others) drug children and elderly people with this drugs, not just benzos, often killing the latter ones, zero accountability
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nothing new, psychiatrist (some others) drug children and elderly people with this drugs, not just benzos, often killing the latter ones, zero accountability


It was my GP and it's now also more and more in the news here that sleeping meds are not good, not even OTC ones and you need to get therapy guidance, which I sought out.

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The WHOLE system is corrupt to keep big pharma very very rich, it's just my opinion mind,  but absolutely, unequivocally TRUE, sadly.
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I totally get this. My prescriber always said I was her best patient. Then when it all changed from this she started doing drug tests on me and having her nurse see me instead of her. So invalidating.
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nothing new, psychiatrist (some others) drug children and elderly people with this drugs, not just benzos, often killing the latter ones, zero accountability


We understand your anger and frustration but need to remind you of our policy which is in place for good reason, please don’t make broad generalizations.


This is a revision of an existing policy document. The previous, deprecated version of this document can be found here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=55794.0. This update includes information about the posting of information originating from Scientology and associated groups.



Updated: 2013-01-29


Anti-doctor, Anti-psychiatrist and Anti-medicine Comments:


Many of our members report negative experiences with doctors, psychiatrists, the pharmaceutical industry, health regulators, or the medical profession as a whole. While we do not wish to outlaw comments about how members feel let down and mistreated in their personal medical care, you must keep your feelings and comments in perspective.


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Few of our members are medical professionals, but even their advice should be treated with due caution. Firstly, we do not screen our members, so there is no way of verifying their medical credentials. Secondly, they cannot know your full and true medical history, so cannot make sound 'diagnoses'. Thirdly, if you are skeptical of the medical profession and/or dissatisfied with the performance of your doctor or psychiatrist, how can medical advice from someone on the Internet be more trusted than the advice from a real-world and verifiable doctor? Your doctor is your medical caregiver, not BenzoBuddies, nor any other support website.


By suggesting that others should not trust doctors, psychiatrists and the medical profession as a whole, you potentially endanger other members and visitors to this forum. BenzoBuddies is not an anti-doctor or anti-psychiatry website. Our members need their doctors, not only to supply them with prescriptions for benzodiazepines, but to meet their other medical needs too. In short, you are free to describe the shortcomings in your own medical treatment, but make clear that you are writing about your personal experiences; do not spread general anti-doctor or anti-psychiatrist propaganda.


Occasionally, members link to Scientology anti-psychiatry propaganda (usually because they have been duped). The posting of anti-psychiatry propaganda at BenzoBuddies is not allowed. Because of the obfuscation tactics employed by Scientology, all content posted to BenzoBuddies we identify as Scientology-propaganda, or any so-called 'information' originating from Scientology, will be deleted. We ask members to help us by wearing their 'critical thinking hats' when they come across anti-psychiatry comments at BenzoBuddies (please report such instances), and if in any doubt, please contact a member of the team in advance of posting information, a link or video. Because many of our members rely upon the professional help of psychiatrists and therapists, information regarding psychiatry or psychiatric practice originating from Scientology or the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (or any other Scientology front group) is expressly disallowed at this forum.



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Sorry I didn't want to start a general antidoctor thread either. Just really upset with that particular one because no other doctor I came across would have refused to give me sick leave in my country and would have given me those meds without info when I specifically asked for a psychologist recommendation. But now no doctor can help me or understands me to get off safely. It's horrible. Even the new GP is already less sympathetic since talking to the old one and also really doesn't understand cause she said something like "guess you don't want an AD now either then" obviously not. Would have never even accepted cortisone and specifically asked for non habit forming meds. She started with all this strong stuff telling me I didn't need a psychologist, and then when it was too late she gave me like lavender for sleep or something which obviously doesn't work anymore now. My cortisone withdrawal was lucky. I regret wanting to know what was going on and not googling it more or realizing the symptoms more.
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