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Please consider signing the FDA benzo petition (not just U.S. citizens)


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"We are pleased to announce a formal benzo petition is now on the docket of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is open for public comment from everyone (not just US citizens). This document is not the older benzo petition some may have signed in the past.  In this Citizen Petition we have asked the FDA to require more accurate prescribing guidelines and side effect information for all benzodiazepines.


"Public comments WILL affect how the FDA rules on our requests--this is your chance to be heard. Please make the FDA aware of how benzodiazepine withdrawal has impacted your life.  This is not a classic signature petition where you just sign your name. On this petition you can give a short statement of support to the FDA, or a more in-depth comment on the benzodiazepine issue; this is all done on-line and is an easy process. "

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Please tell me this is better than the normal online petitions. I've learned pretty quickly that most government people disregard those because they are easy to fake.
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This petition is better than the normal online petitions. It's an official citizens petition to the FDA and has already been reviewed by them though it's still open for signature and comment. It's well-researched, well-written and represents a considerable investment of time and effort on the parts of those who put it together.


"For some time two of the moderators from the Yahoo Benzo Group have been working on a citizens petition to the FDA to change drug inserts so they are consistent over all the benzodiazepine drugs, set out clearer prescibing guidelines and identify all the side effects and problems of the drugs. This has been a very big job that has taken several years. I hope that you will get behind it by making some supportive comments at the link below. It would also be great if you would pass on this to any benzo people that you know."

—Anthea Young


"We are pleased to announce that a formal benzo petition is now on the FDA docket. This document is not a classic signature petition in the normal sense, but rather one that requests changes in all benzodiazepine prescribing guidelines as well as drug information. The FDA placed it on www.regulations.gov and the petition is now open for public comment.


"Public comments DO effect FDA rulings so this is a chance to be heard. When you click on the link scroll down a bit, to the right you can 'submit a comment.' To the left there is a PDF of the petition. This is mainly a vehicle to express the need for clearer prescription guidelines and drug side effect info. One does not need to be a US citizen to comment. Please feel free to spread the word and this link, the more public comments the better."

—Emily Robin

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Please tell me this is better than the normal online petitions.

This petition is better than the normal online petitions.


Thank you! :P


But seriously, I'll be signing that ASAP.

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