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Weight gain


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I have been off Rivotril for 3 weeks now and I feel pretty good. I hopped on a scale this morning and I weigh 191 lbs !! I've looked at my tapering journal and on June 20th, when I started my taper, I weighed 175 lbs. Back then I had to make a conscious effort to eat. I guess that is no longer true. I am much more active than I was then. I also think I may have less stress. I've (ever so slightly) begun working out (I am an old man). Guess it is time to start focusing on the quality of what I put in my mouth...
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The only time I've been this out of shape is when I used to drink a lot and eat tons of garbage food.


I'm not sure how benzo withdrawal affects our weight. I do know that during my taper I was able to lose a good amount of weight just by reducing carbs and sticking to that diet.


I've been off benzos for 2+ years now and I can admit that my diet has been absolute trash for a long time. I ate out almost everyday and rarely cooked at home.


I just recently joined a gym and I'm more conscious of what I eat. Let's hope we can get in shape.

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I've been trying to eat responsibly - but this whole concept of cooking for myself is relatively new to me. For lunch today I made myself 2 ears of corn, a large salad and a piece of snapper. Of course I topped it off with some ice cream and I am about to grab the peanut butter and a spoon...


I'm over 6 ft tall (think I am getting shorter as I age) and was underweight at 175. I was so thin I had to take my wedding band off for the first time in 40 years, afraid it would fall off. I have my ring on at the moment. My ideal weight at my current age is probably around 185 or so.


One of the 'crutches' I have used (sparingly)  post-taper is 10mg  hydroxyine which apparently can cause weight gain.

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Over 5 months I gained 30 pounds. I cut out dairu and gluten and lost it all. Im not sure if im more sensitive to those foods in withdrawal or not. I also know cortisol and anxiety play a role as well.
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