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Symptoms related to cortisol?


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I've heard a lot of things about benzo withdrawal affecting cortisol levels. What exactly are some symptoms related to cortisol issues? How do you know if you have cortisol related symptoms?


Is there a test I could do to check if my cortisol is in a normal range?

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Thank you for asking this question. I will be interested in the replies as well.


It is not clear to me the differences in cortisol and histamine symptoms. For histamine you can take an antihistamine but I'm not sure there is an anti-cortisol pill and if there is, I'm not sure it would be as 'benign'.


I _think_ cortisol is a hormone and histamine is a 'chemical' - like an amino acid. I _think_ you can get a test which will give you a number for _your_ current values, but those values might change a lot and I'm not sure there is a general population 'normal'.


But I will be interested in the responses from the pharmacological gurus...

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