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Extreme burning skin after 12 years of recovery


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Hello....I am sorry to be writing this here, but just do not want to fall back into the psych drug world after being free for so long.  I have always had slight burning skin since 2016 which was six years after my cold turkey.  I have gotten my life back and been doing fine.  Six years ago my skin started burning and i started to have vestibular issues.  I lived with the skin burning since then, but it was tolerable.  Over these last six years my vestibular problems have increased and my burning skin stayed tolerable.  My family doctor suggested I try Lexapro.....I took it for 9 days...a bit of sx, so I decided I did not want to be on psych drugs so I stopped...about a month later I tried 10 mg of Prozac one time.  I could not tolerate it and stopped it.  That was two weeks ago and now my skin is on fire.....I am still dealing with vestibular issues but the skin burning is intolerable and I am ready to go to the hospital.  Can anyone explain to me what is going on.  I have read that anti depressants can help with this burning...must I go back on drugs?  Thank you for listening.  I never expected to be here again after all these years.....cannot believe this is happening.  I am so sorry I listened to my doctor and tried the Lexapro......Any thoughts, advice or ideas would be appreciated.
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Really sorry to hear this. My skin burning started after I took Lexapro while trying to come off Klonopin. It's still with me 2 years later. I hope it just goes away on it's own. Any new stress in your life?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hoping, I am 8 years out, and have had setbacks due to antibiotics, Carbocaine, and nasal sprays, have you taken anything that may of caused this flareup or setback? Even too much caffeine? Alcohol?


I am so sorry for your suffering, I do understand. It will pass, it sounds to me to be a flareup from something that hit Gaba A.

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Prozac gave me burning skin. Coming off of it, a low dose, for a full year. Almost unbearable. It’s much better now, over a year later.
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