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Tapering fast advice really anxious


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Hi I’ve been on lorezapam for 8 weeks taking between 2 and 3 mg a day and have gone up to 2 days without occasionally. How fast could I come of this I know I’m going to get withdrawals also I have some clonezapam could I go onto that to ease the withdrawals. Any input would be really helpful


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Are you having problems with getting the Lorazepam prescribed? Is that why you want to get off fast? Generally we don't recommend fast tapers as it's likely to lead to very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.


Using one benzo to try and compensate for another is also not a good idea. Unless you're struggling with interdose withdrawal but then it's best to crossover to only one benzo. Have you used Clonazepam or other benzo's in the past? This might affect your taper and withdrawal.

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Hi thanks for the reply. I’m going through new medication and can increase anxiety ect this is while I’m starting to taper. I’m not sure which medication is making me worse but I think the doctor is tapering me more than needed but my symptoms could be from the other. Going down 1 mg a week but I haven’t been on it for that long. I struggled a few weeks so had to maintain that’s why I had to stop for a few days. I’ve never taken clonazepam I just have some I can’t go onto diazepam because I get a reaction. The medication I’ve started is escitalopram


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