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I wanted to start a thread and get some opinions on what people think. I have had myself and have read of many setbacks from all kinds of things.


I just got my haircut and the lady used shaving cream on my neck. Instantly I started to go into fight or flight and am having a bad akathisia episode.


The question is what is causing the reaction? Is it the alcohol in these products, the toxins in general or is it simply our minds (limbic system impairment) causing it?


If it was just the benzo doing something to our receptors and the tiniest bit of alcohol can mess us up then everyone would be reacting. I know people who use all kinds of products, air freshers etc. and others that cant use anything without it revving them up?


So what is this really? Limbic system impairment, histamine/mast cell?


Please let me know your opinions

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I don't believe that it's anything in the shaving cream. Your skin is by design fairly impermeable. Yes, alcohol given enough quantity and time might get through to some extent, but no where near "instantly".


I think that our nervous system is so "under damped" - i.e. our neuro-inhibitory system basically doesn't work - that any stimulation is liable to throw our nervous system into high gear.


That stimulation can be audio, visual, olfactory, tactile, chemical (drugs), etc. etc.  Your neck is a very sensitive area because it is so vulnerable and our brain wants to protect it. I think you start physically stimulating it through touch and it can be enough to push your nervous system right over the edge.


That's my theory, for what it's worth.

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