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I'm keeping this short and sweet.... I'm in a wave but it's no wonder... I've been functioning well enough to go and exhaust myself!  Its been a month of serious carpentry, lots of out of town visitors, and me pretending that I'm once again young and able.  This wave that I'm in right now, is much lesser than the waves of post jump. 

Here's what has improved:

My vertigo and dizzy stuff is almost gone.  I would say 75 %.

I'm sleeping an average of 6 broken hours a night.  I'm falling asleep sooner.. an hour instead of the usual 3 hours of tossing and turning.

My muscle strength is much improved. 

I can talk and conversate for a few hours some days, without crashing.

My breathing is more unconscious and relaxed.

I started intermittent fasting a few months ago...... 16/8.  It is the single most biggest leap forward in my healing, out of all the things I've tried.  The first month was hard.... I got really hungry at night (when I'm used to sedating myself with food), and I felt weakish and a bit shaky in the mornings before breaking my fast at noon or one.  That lasted a month before I adapted. 

The  difference  in my presence of mind and clarity is astonishing.  Even if I start my day with baseline dizziness, by ten or eleven a.m., my head is clearing on an empty belly.

Unless I'm in a wave from overwork or eating junk food, I'm actually present in real time.  It is quite amazing after being checked out for years.  Even my close friends say they feel like I'm back. 

So that said, it's not all a bed of roses!  Right now I've got a nightsweat going on and some pretty shrill tinnitus.  I'm uneasy and tight... you know - that cortisol hyper-vigilant state? 

I think the challenge for me now at this stage of healing, is to not overdo it.  Before, I was too sick to do much but just fake it and shake it, through my days... and now I'm stepping out into life...  and disregarding my body's energy signals....

I am learning the hard way.  As usual.  Anyways it feels like I'm at least halfway there.... and there is no doubt that my poor body and soul are on the road to wellness....

So much love and hugs to you all here on this site.... in whatever stage you are at.  This place is my touchstone of reality..... :smitten:


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Thanks for this incredible report. So glad to hear you are slowly feeling yourself again, one day at a time! May things continue to improve as quickly as possible.


Lots of care to you!



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Hi Janiceh,


Sorry I  found this a bit late.

So glad to see you're doing so well! Congratulations on getting your old you back. It was always there but couldn't get out because of those horrible pills.

Now try to find the right balance. Don't overdo it!


Enjoy your freedom!



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Thank you both so much....  it's been such a very long overwhelming journey... this tapering and now this healing.  If I wasn't able to come here and read other's histories and stories,  I would have been deeply scared,  thinking I was dying of some horrid disease many many times over.  Even now, waves can take me out..... I can be thrown back into acute if I'm not careful.  Sometimes, even when I am.

Yes, healing now means finding that balance. 

I'm so hungry to taste life.  Just to have my eyes move properly and walk without reeling.  To look around me and not feel like I'm behind 2 layers of plexiglass.

I'm so grateful to be learning about loving myself and listening to my own energy clues.    As a chronic caregiver and workaholic,  I'm learning at this later stage in my life to make (and defend) my own boundaries.

When I forget, there are serious consequences.    No more little yellow or orange pills to make it all go away.

So much love and support to everyone here.  I read your names and histories  and am not so crushingly alone,  and I am strengthening by your sharing. 


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